12 Jun 2022

local government pay rise 2021rok aoe commanders

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We are grateful for all of their important work and focus over a difficult year. This pay offer does not apply to council chief executives, senior officers, teachers or firefighters, who are covered by separate national pay arrangements. Find out more about the unions' 130 year history, GMB membership offers plenty of extrabenefits, GMB's structures, rules and all things Congress. The Government continues to work closely with the sector to understand the pressures that local authorities are facing across their services. National Secretary The three main trade unions - Unison, Unite and GMB . Hundreds of occupations are covered by this pay offer. At Spending Review 2021, the Government set out that councils in England will receive. The Government remains committed to tackling low pay. The majority of employees - those on salaries starting at 18,198 per annum - would receive an uplift of 1.75 per. Senior GMB reps from across Local Government, Councils and Schools met today (5/10/21) to discuss the GMB members rejection and have overwhelmingly agreed to trigger an Industrial Action consultative ballot. Not a GMB member? This will help us build a high skilled, high productivity, high wage economy. In GMB only members have their say on pay and we now need you to take part in this important ballot and let us know if you are prepared to accept or reject the pay offer. Terms and Conditions | Built by 89up, Latest bulletin for local government workers: NJC 2022 PAY OFFER, ministerial.correspondence@levellingup.gov.uk. There are no nationally determined jobs or pay grades in local government, unlike in other parts of the public sector.-ENDS-, Local Government Association company number 11177145, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards, A substantial increase with a minimum of 10% on all spinal column points, Introduction of a homeworking allowance for all staff who are working from home, A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils, A reduction of the working week to 35 hours with no loss of pay, and a reduction to 34 hours a week in London. With the increasing prices and the cost of living rising to an all-time high, this failure is hitting hard. At the Autumn Statement on 17 November 2022, the Chancellor announced an historic increase in funding for social care, making available an additional 2.8 billion in 2023-24 and 4.7 billion in 2024-25. The pay negotiations will also be influenced by shifting government policy. You are true Covid heroes, keeping the nations essential public services going during the toughest of times, often putting your own health and safety at risk. The pay claim for 2021/22 from UNISON, GMB and Unite calls for a 'substantial' pay rise to tackle ten years of pay restraint and recognise the key role played by staff during the pandemic. Long Term Financial Plans to refer to the Office of Local Government's Integrated Planning and Reporting Manual for . In the last GMB update we advised you that we have approached Local Government employers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland setting out our disappointment on the pay offer. Become a workplace organiser - stand up to injustice in your workplace! By Jim Dunton. Wed 21 Jul 2021 04.00 EDT Last modified on Fri 23 Jul 2021 06.45 EDT "All options for meeting the [national living wage] challenge will lead to increased costs to councils and as a result will divert money away from other critical pay issues including those high up councils agenda such as local government workforce capacity," she said. 12 January 2021. GMBwill meet with the other recognised unions (Unison & Unite) on Tuesday 1st November 2022 and notify them and the employers of our result. Following the pay offer which falls short of our pay claim we need a much stronger message to government, so we have written to the employers calling specifically for them to join us and call for more funding for local government pay. This represents an increase of 59 pence or 6.6 per cent. The National Employers, who negotiate pay on behalf of 350 local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, made the offer to unions today. Taxes for the NHS and social care should be raised from other sources better able to pay. The cost of filling up a car is at record levels. Unions representing 750,000 council and school support staff across England, Wales and Northern Ireland today (Friday) criticised the 1.5% pay offer made by the Local Government Association GMB, Unite and Unison submitted a joint pay claim to the local government employers in February for a 10% pay rise. 2021 General Schedule (GS) Locality Pay Tables. It is unacceptable that a letter seeking an urgent commitment has been ignored and this lack of response and commitment could result in job losses. An increase in the Scottish Local Government Living Wage (SLGLW) rate to 9.78 per hour. The National Living Wage will increase by 2.2 per cent from 8.72 to 8.91, and will be extended to 23 and 24 year olds for the first time. The vote has therefore carried and employers have now been notified. At last week's meeting, Cafcass board members said the organisation had offered a lower pay rise than local government . I understand that the National Joint Council has reached agreement on the Local Government Services pay offer for 2022-23. GMB is disappointed that the pay offer doesnt reflect the pay claim and have made strong representation to your employers for months that the pay offer falls short of expectations. But the commission has. STATE OF ALASKA: STATE OF HAWAII: U.S. Office of Personnel . Employers have been encouraged to pay this award to employees as soon as possible. But, for so many workers in the public sector, every day is a real struggle, and its getting worse. GMB, alongside other unions formally wrote to the employers to lodge an official paydisputefor the 2021/22 pay round. I am replying as the Minister responsible for public spending. The pay claim is not then expected to be tabled until at least next month, by which time it will already be after the usual pay implementation date of 1 April. The Joint National Secretaries for GMB, Unison, and Unite, have written to the NJC Employer Side expressing dissapointment and reiterate requests for urgent further negotiation and talks on the issue of Local Government Pay. "For the lowest paid (currently earning 20,441 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 9.42. This equates to 10.50% for SCP1 and no less than 4.04% for SCP43. 22 Stephenson Way London As such, for you to be facing a pay rise that is significantly below inflation is not acceptable and we are concerned that your commitment to the job and to the people you support every day is simply being taken for granted. Within industry supersectors, compensation cost increases ranged from 4.3 percent for construction to 6.4 percent for leisure and hospitality. I wish to put on record again my gratitude to public sector workers in Scotland for their response to the pandemic and . The National Employers have today made the following one-year offer to the unions representing the main local government NJC workforce: With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50. UNISON is calling on its members to vote for strike action, arguing the 1.75% offer by local government employers is below-inflation.. UNISON, GMB and Unite have called for a 10% pay rise for council staff to ensure the lowest paid employees earned just above the new real . Organise a meeting to discuss pay and to build support for the pay ballot using our campaign resources. GMB members working in local government and school & academies that follow National Joint Council (NJC Green Book) pay, terms and conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, have received a pay offer today. Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities The Government is continuing to support businesses with their energy costs through its generous package of support. Council employees have been offered an improved pay increase which will add 328m to the local government pay bill. 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and it is as follows: The employers have already agreed to complete the work of the joint term-time only review group and have begun discussions on homeworking policies but are not prepared to discuss a homeworking allowance. There is strength in numbers, employers can ignore one voice but when we all speak together they have to take notice. Employers will now consider the pay claim ahead of pay negotiations starting. At the Autumn Statement, the Government announced that approximately 6.5 billion will be made available for councils to deliver services in 2023/24 and 2024/25, in addition to what was agreed at Spending Review 2021. Each council takes into account a number of factors such as job size and local labour market conditions when deciding an employees salary. This means all members will now get a vote to decide on whether to take strike action to stop these pay cuts. We would like to thank all members who took the time to vote and for the hard work of all the reps and branches in keeping members informed and working so hard to get the ballot out. The NJC pay survey closed in November 2020. Look out for more details soon. The success of busting the pay freeze was down to members coming together to campaign for pay justice - we need you to do this again. It's right that workers are fairly rewarded for their input into the economy. Default is not an option. When local government employers met earlier this week to issue their revised pay offer of 1.75% - an increase of 0.25% that UNISON regards as 'insignificant' - they did so against a backdrop of growing discontent over a proposed increase that fails to reflect the hard work and sacrifices made by council and school workers during the pandemic. Thank you for your letter of 18 October to the former Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Simon Clarke MP, about local government spending. Public service pensions increase: 2021. GMB members across Local Government, Councils and Schools have been having their say on pay and the results are in! Given the experience of the past twenty-one months, all councils should already have flexible working policies that set out protocols for employees whose roles readily lend themselves to working at home and we expect those arrangements to now be kicking in again. Compensation costs for state and local government workers increased 4.8 percent for the 12-month period ending in December 2022, compared with an increase of 2.6 percent in December 2021. The National Employers have today made the following one-year offer to the unions representing the main local government NJC workforce: The employers have also proposed that the NJC begins immediate exploratory discussions on three other elements of the claim, as follows: However, there was no support from councils for the offer to include thee other elements of the unions claim, therefore the employers have rejected the following: The employers also rejected the element of the claim that seeks, a joint review of job descriptions, routes for career developments and pay banding for school support staff as these are matters entirely for local determination rather than by the NJC. GMBs consultative ballot on the NJC Pay Offer for 2022/23 has now closed. GMB alongside sister unions have written to the employers setting out our disappointment and seeking reasons of this U-turn. GMB have written to the NJC national employers across local government, councils and schools asking them to join with the trade unions and make a joint approach to the Westminster Government, for more funding for local government pay. They are the people collecting our bins and sweeping our streets in all weathers, educating and looking after our children, taking care of our elderly, sick, and most vulnerable, and doing all the other countless, crucial jobs for the public. . 1. Visit our, Council employees set to lose part of pay rise. VIDEO: Latest information on the pay offer and GMB campaign. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we are! GMB, alongside other unions, has formally written to the employers to lodge an official pay dispute for the 2021/22 pay round. Three local government unions have called for a wage increase of at least 10% for all council and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. GMB members working across councils, local authorities and local government recently voted to reject the pay cuts being proposed by local government employers. At this meeting a timetable will be agreed for a pay ballot. The Government is ready to talk to any council with concerns about its financial position where it cannot take steps to manage pressures locally. Become a workplace organiser - step up to be your work colleagues voice in your workplace! At a time of rising inflation, high energy costs and increased mortgage and rent payments our members deserve a fully funded, inflation linked pay rise. Unison members also voted to accept the offer. The policy delivers an above-inflation headline pay increase of one per cent to all those earning between 25,000 and 80,000 and, to reduce the overall income gap, a capped increase of 800 for those earning above 80,000. Otherwise, local government and education employees will quit for sectors paying better rates.". It is not acceptable that Government is failing in its responsibility to ensure sufficient funding for vital public services and that its failure to do so may potentially mean that merely ensuring compliance with the NLW, could result in job losses and cuts to public services. The total public sector pay bill was around 235 billion in the 2021/22 financial year - with central government pay (which includes UK government departments, parliament, most public bodies and the devolved administrations) costing about 165 billion and local government about 70 billion. All results are being analysed by regional teams toidentifypotential local campaigning targets outside of this national pay claim. We would like to apologise for the delay in sending this out considering that the ballot closed on 13th December. Set against this context, the Employers offer of a 1.5% offer is not enough. Following a review of our capital budgets, general capital funding for local government for 2022-23 will be set at 150m. At a time of economic crisis for millions of people, with the cost of living spiralling out of control there should be clarity and leadership from Government, and it is disappointing that your department has chosen to ignore such an important issue. "With 55% of local government workers earning below 25,000 per annum, low pay remains a significant issue and this year's settlement must not only protect workers from steep increases to. Well, why dont you become one? Contact GMB National Office or your GMB Region. Representatives of councils across England, Wales and Northern Ireland made the offer to 1.5 million local authority . Date: 15/07/2021 We asked all members - working in town halls, schools, academies and across local government - who would be affected by the offer, what you thought. It sets out the parameters for pay increases for staff pay remits and senior appointments and applies to public bodies with settlement dates in the year between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 (inclusive). Policy paper. 350,000 Government employees are set to receive general pay increases of 2% over the lifetime of the new two-year public service agreement, with the potential of a further 1% under new sectoral . Councils benefit from Holyrood windfall. Jon Richards, Rehana Azam, Jim Kennedy A member consultation will be issued in the coming weeks for you to complete to ensure you have your say on your pay. 130 Euston Road Surveys by XpertHR, a research group, point to a median pay award of 3 per cent for 2022, with the bottom quartile of employers offering up to 2.5 per cent. (additional copies for HR Director and Finance Director) Local Governmentand Building Safety Department Local authorities were required to accommodate potential public sector pay awards in this year's budget planning following the 176m cash increase in the local government settlement provided by Welsh Government for 2021-22. This represents an increase of over 1,600 to the annual earnings of a full-time worker on the NLW and is expected to benefit over 2 million low paid workers. 2. Some Democrats and federal employee unions have urged lawmakers to adopt a more generous . Please ensure your details are up to date as only GMB members will get a vote in our ballot. Mary Turner House Unions previously said the negotiations had reached a deadlock after the government initially offered no increase.. Members of the National Employers Side Pay forecasts for 2021 However, many workers will see their pay leap by 8.7% next month as they will fall within the new age threshold from 1 April. Unison head of local government Mike Short said: "The unions tried hard to raise the level of last year's pay offer. A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity / paternity / shared parental / adoption leave. For every four GMB members who voted, three rejected the employers 1.75% pay offer for 2021/22. The joint union NJC Pay Claim for 2022 has now been submitted to employers for their consideration. Inner London Pay Spine From 1 April 2021 an increase of 2.75% on point 1 and 1.75% on all other points rounded up to the multiple of 3. Unions call for a 'substantial' pay rise for council and school workers Tuesday 16 February 2021 Three local government unions have submitted a pay claim for 2021/22, which they say begin s to redress a decade of cuts and recognise s the key role played in the pandemic by school and council staff.

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